Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Introduction

Aaah...finally, my first post in this blog. And also, probably my first ever post which might be (1)entirely original, and (2) doesn't require me to use heavy literature or try and influence the readers to ponder about the deeper meaning of life and our reasons of existence :P ( lol - refer to my other blogs, ladies and gentlement, for this slight confusion to clear) ... considering that in my two other blogs, I've posted the lyrics of some great songs, according to me, of course, and tried my hand at a little prose and poetry.

The reason for setting up this blog was very simple. Each of our lives, yours and mine included, is unique ( err... don't roll your eyes yet, at this obvious fact ). No matter how DULL people might say a person's life might be,or how dull he might consider his own life to be, as long as he took the time to find a little amusement in his surroundings, looked at his life through some colored goggles, i should say - find something funny in the events unfolding around him - his perception of his life can change! ( hmmmm all right, you can roll your eyes NOW ).

Well, I'm not gonna sit here and pretend MY life is perfect, and precisely for this reason, this blog!

Let me firstly be clear on the name of the blog. A vernier callipers is a device which is used to measure teeny weeny lengths and distances. Well - DISTANCES is a very heavy word, because a vernier callipers has the least count of the tenth of a millimeter. So anyways, here I go, then, and yeah as always, feel free to comment :P

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