Friday, May 28, 2010

Questions about the Soul

Is the soul warm or cold? Does it depend on the person's demeanor and activities? Is the soul lighter than air or heavier? All this will tell us whether the fact that we go to Heaven/Hell is destiny, or the choice of our soul. How does the soul get heavier? Does it really need two singing angels to carry it upwards? If it is that heavy, maybe me should start soul dieting. You know - divide your soul into seven pieces, like Voldemort does. Now I understand him! All he wanted to do was get into heaven. If the soul was lighter than air, it would have floated up by itself - it wouldn't have needed any angels. Even when the endless pits of Hell open up at the soul's feet, instead of falling into it, the soul will rise up with the air currents. Plus the fact the hot sir blowing  from hell at it's feet will sort of give it the initial lift - kind of like a hot-air balloon.

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