Monday, August 17, 2009

The "Igo" Concept

Hmmm.... no wonder the topic will raise an eyebrow or two. Igo ( to be pronounced : I-ego ) is a concept I wanted to add to... furthering the original ego - era.

Confronted with a soul-searching dilemma earlier today, I just had to delve a little into this tiny word. And in this tiny word, I found something exceptionally huge.... the world of the ME.

Just including a couple of definitions here for reference...

1. A conceited, boastful person.
2. A selfish, self-centered person.

1. One devoted to one's own interests and advancement; an egocentric person.
2. An egotist.
3. An adherent of egoism.

What do these definitions make me? An I-goist or an I-gotist? Well, for the time being, let me just be an I-gologist - studying the I-go.I realized today, that it takes only a minuscule change of circumstances, a word here, a deed there, a push somewhere else, for everyone's Igo to shoot up. For example, when I play football, whether I am captain or just a member, I give my hundred percent out there. It is not to impress anyone... but at the very least, it gives myself the satisfaction of being a hard player. Of course, when I have juniors on my team, I try to set an example wherever I can, on the pitch or off it. I do not need titles or recognition, and I won't have a problem with someone who does have titles or recognition. Or so I thought.When I complained a few days ago ( rather tactlessly, I must admit ) that some people do not work when it matters, and need to be out there leading the way for the others ( read: inexperienced )to follow, one of my closest friends retorted, " Well, it's not that we don't work. It's that we know when to work. We can go without food during the job, and unlike you people we do not take breaks or stop to rest. " Well, maybe they didn't pay attention ( in all probability ) but even I didn't eat much the last time around. See what I mean? Just the mere mention of it made me one of the you people. Subtle, but worth a look into.

(Note: It is probable that my thinking might also have been affected by the unconvincing attempts to stay in the limelight by some of today's "celebrities", esp. getting engaged on the telly, revealing personal lives on reality shows, et cetera...Talk about egos that can never be quenched!!)

Anyways, with time, I guess the mind matures enough to deal with these petty problems... what astounds me is that unknown egos which has been dormant so far, burst forth and what not. However, what can an idealist do at a crossroads like that? Put his head down and go with the flow, or let his own Igo dictate terms and rebel against the Powers?

I have decided to go with the flow, hoping that my sensible self will pull me out of this crazy dilemma without scars. But if things get worse, I might have to give in to my huge Igo as well... and just back out. After all, life is not always about compromises.

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